Just like you, your financial needs and objectives are unique. We will work closely with you to not only help you define your individual needs and objectives, but also to design and implement a customized solution to help you and your family achieve your unique financial goals.
We Moved!
Our new office is located at:
1250 Pittsford-Victor Rd.
Building 200, Suite 150
Pittsford, NY 14534
Phone, fax, and email address remain the same.
About Our Move
I have been an owner and an occupant of Perinton Profession Park for almost twenty years. After twenty years my office was beginning to show its age. In fact, prior to the pandemic, we had made the decision to renovate the office. When the pandemic hit, we put our renovation plans on hold. Coincidently, in 2021, a real estate developer made, what all owners agreed, was a fair offer to buy the entire complex. By selling the property, I am now able to relocate my office into a nicer, more accessible, centrally located office. Moreover, since I will no longer be an owner, I can focus the entirety of our efforts doing what we do best: serving your needs.
Would You Be Prepared for an Unplanned Early Retirement?
Nearly half of current retirees retired earlier than planned. Here are some steps to help prepare for the unexpected.
The United States Is Older Than Ever Before
The median age of the U.S. population rose to a record high in 2022, a demographic trend that has implications for the economy and government programs like Social Security and Medicare.
Year-End 2024 Tax Tips
Here are some things to consider when weighing potential tax moves before the end of the year.
How a Family Limited Partnership Can Power an Estate Plan
A family limited partnership is a legal agreement that enables business owners and their heirs to address succession, estate, and tax planning needs, all at once.
Required Minimum Distributions
Estimate the annual required distribution from your traditional IRA or former employer's retirement plan after you turn age 73.
Cost of Retirement
Use this calculator to estimate how much income and savings you may need in retirement.
Life Expectancy
Knowing your likely life expectancy is an important factor in making long-term financial plans.